Medical Imaging Consultant

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This Medical Imaging Consultant is a high-performance, results-driven executive with over 20 years of proven success. Co-founder of a medical device company (displays and software for medical imaging), he has taken a company through an entire life-cycle (startup, growth, IPO, public company, acquisitions). This Medical Imaging Consultant has worn many hats and has skills in managing projects, product development, product management, marketing, international sourcing, production, engineering and quality assurance in start-up and established environments. He brings an in-depth understanding of the medical imaging, electronics design and manufacturing, and global flat panel display industries with domestic and international experience in Asia and Europe. A highly organized, self-sufficient, dedicated, team builder and problem solver, this Medical Imaging Consultant is comfortable with any size organization, in the boardroom to the production floor. He loves to be at a white board in a room with a cross-functional team with a problem to solve. This Medical Imaging Consultant has a servant leader approach, embracing the tenets of listening, trust, empathy, collaboration, foresight, and commitment to growth of others.


  • 20+ years of experience
  • Start-ups and Acquisitions
  • Product Development Projects
  • Product Marketing Projects
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Leading Cross Functional Teams
  • International Sourcing
  • Operations Management
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Research Projects

Relevant Accomplishments

  • Co-founded and guided Image Systems through the entire life cycle of startup, growth, initial public offering, NASDAQ small cap listed public company, and subsequent acquisitions
  • Most proud of the tens of thousands of display products produced and used by radiologists and physicians worldwide every day to diagnose and treat disease.
  • Developed and sourced innovative, market-leading display products for medical applications including introducing new G-series line of 4MP, 6MP, 8MP flat panel diagnostic displays with FDA 510k and CFS calibration software compatibility.
  • Introduced new display products and software features which unseated the competition at a large western U.S. healthcare provider, resulting in a business win of $5 million USD with more expected
  • Originator and Agile Product Owner for CFS Calibration software – and industry leading product featuring gray and color calibration, popular productivity tools for radiologists, and WebManager administrative oversight function
  • Represented the company and marketed products at numerous trade shows including Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
  • International experience performing product development, sourcing, supply chain, and quality management with companies from Korea, Taiwan, China, Japan.
  • Planned and managed three plant relocations and a new design/build project
  • Received Fortune 500 Fast Growing Company Award, Deloitte & Touché National Fast 500 Award, Minnesota Technology Fast 50 Award

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