Executive Roundtables

Icon depicting three stylized people sitting at a table, suggesting an executive roundtable or team collaboration.

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts”—John Wooden

We love that quote from college basketball coaching legend John Wooden because it speaks to the fact that none of us are ever done learning. That’s why M&A Executive Search partners with our sister company, EAG (Executive Advisory Group), to provide Executive Roundtables on the second Friday of every month from 7:30-11am.

Industry executives are invited to participate in M&A’s Executive Roundtables. These roundtables are designed to help companies learn from each other in a non-competitive environment. Each facilitated roundtable serves as an "advisory board" where executives and CEO’s can share knowledge, meet their peers, and learn best practices in a confidential setting.

How Do Executive Roundtables Work at M&A?

The executive roundtables usually kickoff with an expert speaker, followed by a Q&A and then in-depth discussion on either the topic on hand, or any other issues brought to the table by a member. Our speakers vary greatly from industry to industry, but all bring expertise that can be applied to everyone in attendance in some way.

Our meetings typically have between 10-12 attendees, which ensures that each member has a voice and receives enough focus on their leadership and business challenges.

EAG meetings involve discussion and support including:
• Decision making
• Personnel management
• Financial issues
• Taking ownership of and maintaining your company’s reputation
• Honest and straightforward advice based on experience

These executive roundtables never include any homework or prep work beforehand—we understand that as CEOs, COOs and Presidents of companies, you have a busy schedule and the last thing you need is to have more work required of you. Contact us today to learn more and don't forget to check this PDF for more detailed information about our executive roundtable options.